Alle tips van

Simona Nikolaeva, Esmee Rosielle, Picabo Rimac & Lucca-Sophia Kraus ENG

As part of our BBA-programme Global Project & Change Management at Windesheim Honours College in Zwolle, the Netherlands, we chose to look at the prejudice about abortion in the Netherlands. The result is the ‘It’s okay to feel’-list, which aims to tell everyone going through an abortion that you are allowed to feel whatever it is that you are feeling! We hope that you feel more supported, realise that abortion is nothing bad, and have the confidence to share your experience.

If you are interested in knowing more about our work or want to share something on the topic, feel free to contact us via

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Bij Ava vind je betrouwbare informatie over abortus en anticonceptie. We luisteren naar hoe jij je voelt over een abortus. We zorgen dat beleidsmakers ook luisteren naar jouw wensen. En we spreken ons uit. Over keuzevrijheid en meer begrip voor vrouwen die een zwangerschap afbreken.

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